
Make every moment count in today's highly mobile and connected consumer environment.

Audio advertising offers marketers a unique channel to reach engaged listeners and achieve a high share of voice. Our quality, brand-safe environment allows you to buy targeted ads from all the major audio publishers, allowing you to build personalized connections at scale

Why include programmatic audio?

Audio Is Only Growing Bigger

With programmatic audio advertising, you can connect with a growing, captive, and engaged audience. In 2023, 66.5% of Americans (225.8M) are listening to digital audio monthly.

Provide Listeners an Immersive Experience

Audio is a personal, immersive experience where advertisers can command a listener’s full attention.

Reach Audiences In Screen-Free Moments

Cannect with listeners when they’s on the go, in the car, or at home across many devices, including desktop, mobile, tablet, and connected devices.

Why is audio so powerful with Canada Radio Media?

Premium, Brand Safe Environments

Access inventory across multiple premium sellers—including big hitters like SoundCloud—and manage it all through a single interface. Execute brand safe ad buys through both open marketplace and Private Marketplace deals, providing you with a high degree of control over where your ads are served

Powerful Listener-Level Targeting

Digital advertising campaigns are unmatched when it comes to the ability to target specific demographics, household income, online behaviour, and location. And programmatic audio is no exception when it comes to fine-tuning your targeting. Use data from audio partners like Spotify to target specific genres, playlists, moods, moments, and more.

Multi-Channel Impact

Audio is a powerful complement to other programmatic channels. With Canada Radio Media, advertisers can reach consumers throughout the entire funnel, creating a cohesive story across native, display, video, connected TV, audio, in-game, and digital out-of-home.

Add an Audio Companion Banner

Boost your audio campaigns with an audio companion display banner. This powerful tool is both visual and clickable, and can help provide a connection to your brand message

Access Leading Audio Publishers

Gain access to a wide array of premium inventory from the world’s largest audio providers, including podcast, radio, sports, and online music services

Audio Reporting and Attribution

Unlike terrestrial radio, you can track the impact of your audio campaigns in the same manner as your other programmatic buys. Metrics include cost per completed listen, audio completion (AC), audio completion rate (ACR), quartile AC, and more.

This data also opens up the ability to connect ad exposure to real-world results. Canada Radio Media provides you with in-house solutions and has partnered with leading attribution providers to enable today’s media buyers to start looking at the impact of audio across the buyer journey.

Creative Studio

Hit the Right Note With Your Creatives

New to programmatic audio? Level up your audio campaigns with the Creative Studio. The Canada Radio Media Creative Studio offers extensive creative consultation, matching creative assets with campaign KPIs, and ad creation to optimize specific platform capabilities. Our team of Creative Strategists can assist with copywriting, post-production editing, and best practice recommendations

Start Planning Your Radio Campaign Today

Canada's performance based media planners and buyers